​ Selected works. Complete catalog available. Click on image to enlarge.

Cast amber lead crystal 7H x 9W x 2D What at first appears to be a photo of Grand Central Station begins to slowly move.

She Was Often Gripped With The Desire To Be Elsewhere 14 x 11 x 2
Moving Paintings

Guardians Of The Necropolis 36 x 18 x 18 Cast Glass, Wood, Video The finial on this piece is of 3 Alligator Men. One holds the Book of the Dead, one holds a lotus flower, one a plum bob. Inside stand 2 large figures, back to back watching over each other. The both hold a video. One video is of flying through night time clouds...one is of billowing curtains in front of a darkened entrance.They are surrounded by Crocodile Women, canopic jars, sarcophagi and Egyptian sculptures. This piece prot

Blown and Cast Glass , Video 26h x 14w x8d Inside a man holds a video screen with the image of a dreaming Ophelia. He is surrounded by stacks of books, a crown, a sacred heart and a broken heart sewn back together. The finial is of a straight jacket.

A perfect example of the New Orleans brand of the Un-Dead Floral designers, she was found behind a Bourbon St. brothel, where she apparently had been flourishing for years. While she may be appearing the be the harbinger of death, she actually is here to remind us to celebrate life and honor those who came before.

This unusual trans-species specimen was discovered between the reptile and amphibian houses at the Miami Zoo....very near the Dade County Nuclear Plant. While Croco-woman, Alligator Man and their child, Octo-Girl may not be a normal family, they celebrate our 21st century understanding that supportive families can be found anywhere. :)
21st Century Hall Of Natural Wonders

Blown and Cast Glass, Found Objects, Electronics, Video 21 x 7 x 7 The top finial is of a faded mermaid. There is a zipper on the back of her tail. Below, oyster shells surround slightly chubby mer-woman. The video shows a tired mer-woman…..endlessly chain smoking.

18 x 8 x 8 Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video Top Finial is of two cast glass hands holding a crystal ball. Inside a gypsy fortune teller hovers over magic 8-balls. The video in this continually shows fortunes for a new millennium.

Man Without Fear 18 x 8 x 8 Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video The top finial is of a a basket of dismembered arms. Inside is a one armed lion tamer and a lion. The video inside the circus tent is found video from the 50's of a man putting his head inside a tiger's mouth. A man with no fear is a man with no arms.

21 x 8 x 8 Blown and Cast Glass, Found Objects, Electronics, Video Top finial is of a woman with 3 legs, two of the left feet. Inside is a stack of left shoes. The video is of a woman who can only walk in circles.

20 x 8 x 8 Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video The top finial is of Alligator Woman. Inside is her sister and Octo-girl. The video inside the circus tent is a double exposure of an atomic bomb blast and an albino alligator....the results are the Eco-Mutants

A Collaboration with Marc Petrovic

Cast and Blown Glass, Found Objects 18x6x6 Inside is a fist above a broken pile of pottery. The finial is a hand holding a rolling pin.

Cast and Blown Glass 18x6x6 Inside is a cast glass hand holding a plate full of cakes. The top finial is of a cupcake saying "Eat Me".
Seven Deadly Sins ​

18 x 8 x 8 Cast and Blown Glass, Found Objects, Video Inside are a small wooden propeller and a vintage compass. A small cast glass head holds a circular lens, which is filled with a video of flying through clouds. The top finial is of a human torso with wings spread.

18 x 8 x 8 Cast and Blown Glass, Found Objects, Video Finial is of a woman dreaming. Inside is a forst with a small figure. Dream figure with lens. Video is of a sleep walking figure going through the woods.

Blown and Cast Glass, Found Objects, Video 18 x 8 x 8 Inside are cast glass hands holding vintage typewriter keys. A small blue dream figure stands with a lens in his head. The video is of Dream Interpretations being written out. The top finial is of a baseball hatted figure with Mercurial wings from his head.

Blown and Cast Glass, Found Objects, Video 18 x 8 x 8 Inside is a cast glass hand, holding a chalice with dice. Also, a dream head with a lens in front of the video screen. The video is of hands counting prayer beads. The top finial is a human figure with a soul emerging from the chest.
Seven Waking Dreams Of Man​

Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video 18 x 7 x 7 Inside are cast glass sprouting crocus bulbs. On the top finial is a bouquet of cast glass flowers. The video is a time lapse of flowers opening and closing.

Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video 18 x 8 x 8 Inside are stacks of watering cans. Video is of light reflecting off a swimming pool

Blown and Cast Glass, Electronics, Video 18 x 8 x 8 Inside are cast chrysanthemums, top finials is covered in dozens of cast glass acorns. Video is of ripe grain in a soft wind
Four Seasons - Penland Summer Auction 2011

Cure For Loss Of Faith Blown and Cast Glass, Found Objects, Etched Text 18 x 6 x 6 Top finial is the symbol from the Infant Of Prague. Inside is filled with feathers, with two hands just surfacing out of the firmament...one holding a glass eye, one a lens..as if examining the eye of God. The etching is the full text from Monte Python's Holy Hand Grenade Of Antioch.

Apothecarium Moderne
Cures For 9 of the Ills Of Modern Mankind​

Pate de Verre and Slumped Glass 42 x 10 x 10


Sacred Heart Of The Protective Eye 21 x 12 x 4 Blown Glass with Jeremiah Jacobs I do love working in a sacred heart form.....they are an extension of the dome pieces I used to make, but after my mother passed away, I made these original forms to honor her memory, and 1 to hold her ashes. I think of it as a celebratory way to encase the ashes of loved ones and remember them for the joy they gave. This one shows my moms protective eye as I grew to an adult.

There’s a Storm Comin…and I said, I am the Storm 21 x 12 x 4 Blown glass with Jeremiah Jacobs A piece about personal empowerment

Bullseye 21 x 12 x 4 Blown glass with Jeremiah Jacobs That feeling when you know you got it right

From the Permanent Collection of the Smithsonian American Art Collection
Sacred Hearts

Graffiti Series and Panels

Large Scale Public Art Pieces
More On Request

Older Work
More On Request